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The eteral oath & covid-19

Citizens of the world have formed their opinion about how unfair the Covid-19 virus is. But very few people see this as a chance to improve to better themselves and most importantly progress on their journey towards the Illuminatiam. The few people who recognize this as a chance to progress on their journey are definitely not bored. In fact they everyday collect new forms of knowledge and travel much more in these days towards enlightenment then the voices of the majority. Don’t stand on their side watching conspiracy videos and social media while the clock ticks away, instead do these things in order to work towards the promises you have made to the illuminati and yourself. The eternal oath…

1- Reading books is a direct way to knowledge and wisdom, millions of people wrote down their experiences, their failures and their victories. Their studies and their thoughts. Ancient tablets served as books in their times and were very rare because its not easy to acquire. Today you have the worlds library in front of you. It would be foolish to not read. However some people might not be in an financial situation that allows to buy books. Therefor members of The hidden will provide an amount of 3 free pdf books for you to read from our library databases. ( tweet @eray_1507 ) This way you dedicate your mind to discover knowledge

2- Meditation has served well for decades, Buddhists, spiritual teachers, Great thinkers and to seekers of enlightenment. It allows the mind to wander in uncharted territories escaping the daily mindset into a higher consciousness. Meditation is also believed to connect you with an higher dimension using pineal exercises. This way you travel the path to Enlightenment.

3- Provide help for those that cannot provide for themselves. Don’t allow anyone in your surroundings to starve from hunger. Even in these hard times with everything going on. Do not give them money for they may be frauds, buy them food, give them cloth so they can live further on this planet. This way you can put effort in the progress of abundance.

4- Talk with people that need help in their struggles. Lead the out of their emotional boundaries. Often human beings tend to end their lives for unlogical reasons. Protect human beings from extinction as many will try to suicide with everything going on.

5- Create. Invent something that other minds have not taught about or have not succeeded in creating. Perhaps upgrading known inventions will also provide to be useful in your progress of creating. It doesn’t have to be inventions per se, you could write a book that would have a role in the advancement of the human species

By doing the things above you will not only improve but also have followed the 5 of 6 eternal tasks in the eternal oath of the Illuminati. Therefor nothing above would be a waste of your time. You can also think of other methods to progress on this eternal oath and I will put them here in his list with your name.

ethods to progress on this eternal oath and I will put them here in his list with your name.

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