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A word to my mentor

This post is dedicated to the only person that helped me on my journey to the illuminatiam, starting before she even became a verified level 1.1 Initiate of The Illuminati. Her name is ‘Ivy Taroc‘ or as she prefers ‘ V ’

She inspired me to do what she did, to guide people to the Illuminati, and a while I have done as her. I have recognized myself taking a leadership position even while I wasn’t ready. But she did not belittle me in fact I was a 15-16 year old boy that started a blog full of grammar mistakes and yet she did not belittle me. A year later around me being 17 years old when I asked he for guidance she provided the best guidance of her abilities. I see her as a mentor. Even though I don’t talk much with her because I don’t want her to think I only turn to her to be using her since she is now verified. As I praise her for being wise because many will for sure try to use her. She has told me on age 17 when I told her my findings that I was on the right path and If I would keep doing what I was doing I would be one of the few that will be on the right path to illuminati. This simple twitter message she sent me that day fueled my motivation to search for hidden knowledge, start researching, improving myself , learning new languages and hell I cant put into words what that did to me. She on the day I turned 18 was the first to know I had signed my oath to the illuminati. And then started my journey, wayyyy deeper the I already was. Now I am doing more and more research. I learn and improve. Even this new blog or database as I like to call it is because of her. She fueled my motivation for a lifetime, I can never pay off my gratitude to her. ‘’The hidden ones ‘’ being the new title of my new blog is supposed to on a long term provide a database of information helpful for Initiates along their journey. I also plan to make a task zone to ‘hidden members’ the tasks being about the oath every initiate takes. For example reading certain books or writing certain articles, or perhaps one day even bigger things like planting trees with a mutual fund in order to sustain nature which is important for next generations. Its all just ideas at this point. The moral here is that none of these things could have happened if she didn’t send that one inspiring twitter message to me.

I am eternally in your debt V , never forget that. This simple but yet truthful post may or may not be of any value to you but I cannot start this project without this all being mentioned. You were my guide and mentor for these years

that passed. Even if you might not have realized it. Thank you !!!

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